The following information is a guide to help you get started with your electric fence project to help deter bears. Remember, we moved into the black bears back yard, and need to learn to co-exist with them.
Installing electric fence is a fairly straight forward and simple home project. We can also provide guidance at no charge if you would like a home consult, you can contact the BEARTEAM.
Use electric fence to protect:
Bird (wildlife) Feeders
Fruit Trees and beehives
Chicken Coops, Food Sheds, Garbage Sheds, Garages

Electrified gate springs protecting a garage.

Electric fence to keep bears from climbing up on a shed roof.
What is needed:
Energizer (Alternating Current, Battery Powered, Solar) – at least 7,000 volts
Wire, cord or netting (Aluminum, Steel, Braided)
Posts (Fiberglass, Steel T Posts, Wood Posts)
Grounding rod or rods
Gate hardware if an opening, door or gate is required
Insulated Wire for jumping or bridging where you don’t want shocks
Wire Clamps for grounding rods and jump wires
Voltage tester
Safety – Electric fences have a good bite if you touch them accidentally but are safe and should not produce injury. Put some flag tape on fencing to let others know that they are there.
Installing – Keep it simple and read the instructions completely that come with the Energizer. Make sure that the fencing doesn’t short out on tall grass, tree branches, posts or building surfaces.
Where to buy electric fence components in Northeastern, MN:
L&M Supply – Virginia, MN
Tractor Supply – Virginia, MN
Fleet Farm – Brainerd, MN
Big Box Hardware stores like Menards, Home Depot, or Lowes may have parts
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lqIRMavnahE – How to install electric fencing for bears – Gillian Sanders, 9 minutes
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=shoUmDQPjnM – How to set up an electric fence – Tractor Supply, 2 minutes
Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks has a pretty comprehensive document “Deterring Bears with Electrified Fencing: A Beginners Guide” that you can access and download if you want – there is some dated information in it but it is quite extensive and about 17 pages long and an overall good resource - Deterring Bears with Electrified Fencing: A beginner’s guide
Google for other YouTube videos, there are many and can be specific like solar installation etc.